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There is no cookie cutter approach to business.

Updated: Nov 24, 2023

What's more unsettling: clinging to the familiar path you've treaded your entire life or taking a daring plunge to unveil the layers of your true self, your desires, and your untapped potential?

It might seem like you're adrift, being tugged in conflicting directions, overwhelmed by a deluge of advice and information, feeling like you're drowning in the sea of choices.

Do you wake up each day uncertain about the next step for your business?

Perhaps you find yourself seeking trustworthy solutions that promise tangible results, only to invest in courses and programs that gather dust on the shelf. The predicament lies in the fact that many of these offerings don't consider your unique business needs; they're merely eager to peddle the "next big thing."

Ask yourself two pivotal questions:

Are the solutions they advocate the very ones that propelled them to construct and nurture their businesses?

Or are the solutions they're promoting merely the cash cows that sustain them at present?

Numerous clients of mine grapple with the allure of the latest trends—social media, podcasting, YouTube, book writing, and the like—while overlooking the fundamental work that demands their attention: the introspective exploration of themselves and their businesses.

image of Kathie Heyman
Kathie Heyman

About the author:

Hey there my name is Kathie, I've been in the business world for over 25 years, steering various ventures to success with turnovers of up to 3 million dollars. It all started when I was 27, and since then, I've been fully committed to making businesses not just run but thrive. After two decades of immersing myself in product-focused ventures, I decided to take it to the next level. I launched my own business consultancy, with a clear mission: helping businesses and non-profits grow. My secret sauce? Strategic thinking and a solid commitment to seeing people not just survive but excel. I have a track record to prove it. Taking businesses from ground zero to six figures has been my specialty. How did I do it? Well, chalk it up to thinking strategically, a clear plan, consistency, resilience, adaptability, and a good old dose of stubborn determination.

I've got the scars and the stories to back it up. Like to know more? Say Hello. x Kathie

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