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Is this you?

Updated: Nov 24, 2023

Only act when forced by time constraints or circumstances

Don’t work on your work until the last possible moment.

Don’t pack for a trip until the last possible second.

Find something else to do and convince yourself you need to do it rather than what you should be doing.

Avoid buying a meaningful gift until that day.

It’s a wonderful way to make your life much more difficult.

Did you know...

You’re limiting your resources when you wait until the last minute.

You are more than likely unable to predict the outcome.

You are more than likely going to lose control.

No one wants to procrastinate.

Each time we do it, we swear we’ll never do it again.

It’s frustrating, and the very last thing you want to do is make procrastination a habit.

Forced action is stressful.

It’s uncomfortable, and too much stress lowers performance.

If you wait too long, you’ve often put into a situation that requires taking whatever life hands you.

Procrastination has numerous disadvantages.

Avoiding your responsibilities eventually leads to disaster.

Your colleagues and clients may see you as unpredictable.

You will beat yourself up for not giving what you are doing 100%, affecting your business growth.

Today is the day to act and take control:

It’s possible to control yourself and get used to working before time pressure arrives. It’s a skill you can practice. You’ll get better at it the more you do it.

Give yourself plenty of time.

If you are scared of the unknown, create an action plan to guide you to the end result.

Get started.

Remind yourself that you can relax after you’ve finished.

It’s much more effective than doing nothing and worrying now, only to worry even more while trying to complete the task. Remind yourself of all the damage you’ve caused by procrastinating.

Avoid repeating your mistakes.

Imagine how nice it would be to do your best work without any threat hanging over your head. Act before it’s necessary.

And most importantly, train yourself to act without the need for procrastination / last-minute chaos to motivate you.

image of Kathie Heyman
Kathie Heyman

About the author:

Hey there my name is Kathie, I've been in the business world for over 25 years, steering various ventures to success with turnovers of up to 3 million dollars. It all started when I was 27, and since then, I've been fully committed to making businesses not just run but thrive. After two decades of immersing myself in product-focused ventures, I decided to take it to the next level. I launched my own business consultancy, with a clear mission: helping businesses and non-profits grow. My secret sauce? Strategic thinking and a solid commitment to seeing people not just survive but excel. I have a track record to prove it. Taking businesses from ground zero to six figures has been my specialty. How did I do it? Well, chalk it up to thinking strategically, a clear plan, consistency, resilience, adaptability, and a good old dose of stubborn determination.

I've got the scars and the stories to back it up. Like to know more? Say Hello. x Kathie

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